Question: What is distance education or distance learning and who needs it?
Answer: Distance Education (DE), or Distance Learning (DL), is just learning from a distance, usually from home, or from a conveniently located off-campus site. DL allows adults to earn college credits, even entire degrees, without ever leaving home. DL makes use of the Internet, software, modems, TV stations, 2-way television using fiber optics, microwave, digital phone lines, satellites, radio, ham radio, video cassette and audio tape, and normal mail to deliver instruction.
A broader definition of distance education find here
Question: How Georgian Distance Learning Course educational documents are numbered?
Answer: The course is delivered as printable Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files for PC users that contains texts, lessons, exercises and embedded audio files. The documents when printed contain codes. First digit of the code stands for the course stage (there are 4 stages envisaged at the moment, the fourth is advanced). The second digit stands for the Unit within a stage. For Macintosh users Word files are
available and these files contain further codes. There are 3 units within each stage. The third digit stands for a lesson, audio or exercise within each unit. There are a number of exercises, lessons and audios within each Unit embracing 2-3 weeks period to be fulfilled. Example: Lesson2-1-3.doc means that this particular lesson #3 belongs to the second stage, first unit.
There is also special Tool Kit which works under the MS ACCESS 2000 or higher and which is extremely useful to speed up study process, make it more intensive and efficient.
Question: How long lasts the Georgian Language Distance Learning course?
Answer: The Georgian Language Distance Learning Course lasts 12 months. The course comprises 4 stages. Each stage contains 3 units. Each stage lasts about 6-12 weeks depending on your study intensity. We have maximally taken into account specific difficulties (here we basically mean complex construction of Georgian verb, declension of nouns, adjectives, pronounce, proper names, numerals, formation of singular and plural, categories of tenses) for foreign students when studying Georgian language. We also tried to simplify and at the same time to fully provide foreign students with basics of grammar which is necessary for Georgian language good command.
Question: What level of knowledge will get the participant after the completion of the course?
Answer: The completion of the first stage will give the student independent writing and reading habits. He will obtain knowledge of Georgian grammar basics (formation of grammatical number, declension of nouns, conjugation of verbs etc.) needed for speaking and conversational phrases of modern Georgian language, system of counting, and learn 200-300 Georgian words. On the completion of the stage an exam will be offered to students.
On the completion of the second stage students are supposed to enrich their knowledge of phases (e.g. time indication) and words. They will be able to transfer independently verb in several tenses that is rather difficult in Georgian language and need a lot of practice. The emphasis will be given to audio exercises complemented with texts that will give the ability of carrying out of conversation and communication with Georgian speaking person. On the completion of the stage an exam will be offered to students.
On the third stage the emphasis will be given to working on texts. Students will be taught a simplified variant of system of formation of Georgian verb tenses and categories. They will get the general concept on Georgian language structure and peculiarity in comparison with other languages. Their reserve of Georgian words and phrases will increase sufficiently. On the completion of the stage an exam will be offered to students.
On the fourth stage the emphasis will be given to specific elements of Georgian oral language and accompanied with relevant texts. Students will be offered specially selected articles from newspapers and magazines. They will be synchronized with audio files. On the stage completion the students are supposed to read independently non-specific small size literature pieces, newspaper articles. The students will be able to speak good literature Georgian on average level on any general topic.
Question: How old is Georgian alphabet?
Answer: First dated written script monument in Georgian is dating V century A.C. It's Bolnisi Sioni basilica's carving text. Among the Caucasian languages spoken in Georgia (Georgian, Megrelian, Svan, Abkhaz, Batsbi), only Georgian and Abkhaz have their own scripts. Since its creation (in the 19th century) the Abkhaz script has during different periods been based on the Cyrillic, Latin, on the Georgian and then again on the Cyrillic script. The first monuments of the Abkhaz literary language date from the 1860s. The Abkhaz literary (written) language dates from the 1920s. It was created compulsory by Russian so-called scientists (linguists) to separate Abkhaz from the rest Georgia. The Georgian literary language has one and half millennium years documented history. It's script has had three main stages of development.
1. Asomtavruli (or Mrglovani // Mrgvlovani)
2. Nuskhuri (Khutsuri) and
3. Mkhedruli.
The script used nowadays in Georgia is Mkhedruli.
Question: What are hardware and software requirement?
Answer: Computer requirements for this distance learning course include:
Computer of any brand and capacity as a self-contained teaching machine to present individual lessons. Computer must be equipped with modem and access to Internet. Computer must be provided with Audio Card and loudspeakers. A microphone to arrange real time audio conferences and deliver your speech to an instructor through Internet (on-line or off-line) is an option. A printer is a must. Hardware and software requirements: PC or Macintosh computer, any type of Internet browser, MS ACCESS 2000 or higher for PC.
Question: Could you please clarify the copyright issues of Georgian computer fonts?
Answer: Most of Georgian computer fonts are clones, digitalized copies of industry standard photo matrix typographic types nationalized during Soviet era or produced during Soviet era (when author's rights World standards were ignored) - for example "Akademiuri", "Chveulebrivi", "Dumbadze", "Gremi", etc. Now, Copyright of initial glyphs content [typefaces] and name [Trademark] is not determined and can be somebody's private property. Authorship and Copyright notices attached to the most Georgian fonts are not covering/reflecting initial glyph contents and Trademark ownership. Please, using Georgian fonts, check first of all Copyright for initial glyphs and Trademark.
We use sylfaen.ttf (belongs to UNICODE group) for PC and Amiran.bin fonts for Macintosh users Since 2005.
Question: How to install Georgian standard fonts on my PC?
Answer: We do not use Georgian standard fonts in the language course, but if you need them for some other reasons, please, download Georgian fonts for PC here (313 kB). Right click on the links and then SAVE TARGET AS... When sylfaen.exe file is on your local computer, just left click on the file and the font will be installed automatically.
Question: How install Georgian keyboard driver on my PC in order to type Sylfaen type fonts?
Answer: Georgian fonts' (sylfaen.ttf) installation is not enough. You must install Georgian keyboard driver as well, in order to be able to type in Georgian as well (not only see them on the screen).
The keyboard driver will let you work with UNICODE fonts like Sylfaen when you switch to Georgian driver. If you stay at English layout you will be able to type with the use of non-standard fonts like Acadnusx or Acadmtav. You will not be able to type standard Georgian fonts like Geo-times since as soon as you switch your keyboard layout to Geo you will be forced to use the Unicode font only. You will be able to view prepared documents with the use of Georgian standard fonts like Geo-times, but you will not be able to edit them since Sylfaen font will be inserted into the documents and you will get documents with mixed fonts. This will not affect Georgian non-standard fonts (Like AcadNusx) which does not requer Keyboard swithing, just to chnage the font name in the FONTS window. Below is step-by-step instruction how install the ILKBD2 keyboard driver.
1. Download Georgian keyboard driver for ILKBD2.zip (1.5 MB).
2. Unzip it in any folder (create it if the need). You will get setup.exe and Kbd subfolder in that folder.
3. Stop all the AntiSpyWare, Firewall and Antiviral applications on your computer.
4. Click on the setup.exe file
5. Click on the option which is relevant to your tasks. Usually it would be GEORGIAN UNICODE (English layout)
6. Restart your computer
It should go normally on any Windows 2000/Millennium/XP/VISTA.
Switching between EN/KA etc. is easy - press ALT-SHIFT and the language drivers will be switched by turns.
If it does not help, try to do the same in the Windows Safe mode.
During Windows loading, when you turn on your computer, push few times F8 button and you will get Windows loading options. Click Safe mode
and do above described.
Question: How many layouts (distribution) of Georgian letters exist on computer keyboard?
Answer: There can be three ways of distributing Georgian letters on a keyboard:
a) So called Latin distribution, where Georgian letters correspond to QUERT keyboard of Latin letters;
b) So called Russian distribution, where Georgian letters correspond to Russian letters.
c) So called Georgian type-writer distribution, where Georgian letters correspond to Georgian mechanical type-writers.
In practice the Latin keyboard layout is used in Georgia. The GLDL course also uses that keyboard layout. It looks like this:
Question: Where can I download Georgian keyboard drivers from? Download Georgian keyboard driver for Win2000/XP/Vista from here . We use that type of keyboard layout in our course, or Macintosh fonts and layout for Macintosh users.
Question: How can I convert Georgian texts prepared in different encoding?
Answer: The best way is to use http://convert.ge online converter facility.
Question: Is it possible to use Macintosh computer for the GLDL course documents?
Answer: Yes, it's possible. We will provide you with documents in Adobe Acrobat (PDF
extension) format that are acceptable for macs. You will need to download and install Amiran.bin Georgian font for Macintosh here (30 kB). You will not need the keyboard driver since you would need to change just Fonts when typing in Georgian. The keyboard layout corresponds to English alphabet. But, unfortunately the Mac's users will not be able to use MS Toolkit that is very handy tool for making exercises and even to take the exam in the end of each stage.
In order to avoid reading problems it is advisable to get latest version of free Adobe Acrobat.
Download the latest version of Adobe Reader (22.3 MB)
Question: How to type in Georgian?
Answer: For typing, say in MS WORD, you should change keyboard driver with mouse (Language Bar which is permanently accessible) in the RIGHT DOWN
corner of the QUICK START panel or use shortcut: LEFT ALT+SHIFT. The OS will choose UNICODE font (Sylfaen) automatically and no other actions are needed to start typing in Georgian.
Question: How to install Georgian fonts on a Macintosh?
Answer: Download MAC fonts from the website. Locate the font on your computer and drag only the actual font file onto your closed System folder. Click OK when prompted.
The font file itself often looks like a "suitcase", depending on the type of font. You can also open up the System folder and drag the font directly into your Fonts folder, if you prefer.
Our students also report that there is the very latest MAC system, which has Georgian as a keyboard option by default.
Question: I sent someone a Word document with a line of Georgian text in it. I can see it perfectly well, but the person I sent it to cannot: he says it is simply Times New Roman.
Answer: If you type with specific Georgian font recipient of the document will see Georgian text on the screen for sure (100%) if Sylfaen (or any other UNICODE)font is used even if recipient does not have this
font installed on local computer. This happens because the UNICODE fonts are included in all new versions of WINDOWS and MAC Operating
System I assume.
In all other cases the recipient will see Georgian script (you might now that apart the UNICODE there are Georgian standard and Non-standard
types of fonts) only if he/she has specific (the document, including website is compiled with) font installed on his local computer.
In some cases recipient could avoid these problems. The Adobe Acrobat documents (with pdf extension) use embedded fonts in its document when
required and final use could read Acrobat documents even there are no specific fonts installed on local machine.
My advice would be: do not use different types of Georgian fonts - just try to use only one type and the best chose is Sylfaen.
May be other fonts are a bit more sophisticated from artistic point of view or beautifully designed, but still it is the best solution
from compatibility point of view.