Basic Information on Georgia

The map of Georgia

Official Flag of Georgia
Country official name: Georgia
9 April 1991 (from the former Soviet Union)
National holiday: Independence Day, 26 May (1991)
Constitution: adopted on 17 October 1995
Other Official holidays:
1 January: New Year's day
7 January: Christmas Day
19 January: Epiphany
3 March: Mothers day
8 March:International Women's Day
9 April: National Unity Day
20 April: Orthodox Easter Sunday (2014)
21 April: Orthodox Easter Monday (2014)
12 April: Pass Over
9 May: Victory Day
26 May:Independence Day
28 August: Mariamoba (St. Maria day) Assumption
14 October: Svetiskhovloba (Georgian Orthodox Festival)
23 November: Giorgoba (St. George day)
Measures: Metric units
Currency: Georgian Lari (1GEL = 100 tetri). Official exchange rate here
More information on Georgian you can find on three main Georgian portals:
1. The President of Georgia
2. The Parliament of Georgia
3. The Government of Georgia
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